At last – we made it! Quite a stressful day – with deadlines to meet and the rain to contend with. We set off at 0820 to meet up with the other boaters at bridge No 9, where the CRT staff turned up and let us thru. Ditto No 6. It was then onwards through the suburbs to the Stanley Locks for 1300. Picking up two friends of David’s (Keith & Carol) on the way. We also picked up a lot of items in the weed hatch … well, weeds obviously plus a whole curtain – complete with curtain rings, plastic bags and the usual fishing line … and yes, all in the rain

At Bridge No 9, the CRT let the convoy thru

The miles count down as we get nearer

Finally around 1240 we arrive at the end of the Leeds & Liverpool canal and travel down the 4 Stanley locks into the Liverpool link to the docks … exciting!

These locks are quite vital – any vandalism here would drain the canal as far back as Wigan – so only CRT operate them (with help) – they have special long windlasses to fit the lock gates.

We go in two by two – we were accompanied by the lively & vocal Welsh couple on Rosie 2 – great to have a laugh as you travel together.

Out of the last lock and into docklands . .

The Victoria clocktower on the edge of the docks – the Mersey is on the other side, turn left and into Sid’s Ditch:

The Liverpool skyline looms into view . .

Round to Prince’s Lock

In case you’re wondering why all the twists n turns – here’s the route map to the moorings …

This route was made especially for us! Then thru Cunard tunnel – in the rain!

Thru Mann Island lock and out into the main dock

Still following Rosie ! The entrance to Albert Dock appears by the main lock gate entrance from the Mersey – wrong turn here and we’d be off to the Isle of Man!

Into the stylish Albert Dock – lots of smart yachts and grockles all cheering and waving!!

And into Salthouse dock for our mooring in S1 – looks like the best spot too. Water and free electricity, rubbish collected every day – luxury!

Zooming out shows you were we are

After saying Cheerio to Dave’s friends we sauntered off to, well, you’ve probably guessed by now, the local pub – this time the Baltic Fleet – a highly recommended place that brews its own beers and has a range of about 12 cask & kegs beers – a great end to a long and sometimes stressful but quite exhilarating day.