An easy 4 hour chug today with more electric and some manual swing bridges to negotiate – one where we trapped a blue car! We travelled along with Riponian – also due in Liverpool tomorrow. Yea! We is almost there shipmates!

David’s turn to operate this bridge . .

A small blue car thought he’d be clever and nip in before the gate came down but was then trapped as the far gate had already descended – hmm, we could have left him there but David reversed the procedure and let him out! Thereafter the canal became more rural and full of lilies and weeds . .

We moored close to the last bridge (No 10 Holmes Bridge) and this will be our starting place to get to bridge No 9 – a large electrical swing bridge – only operable by the CRT staff. We have to be there by 9 ish tomorrow and then chug along, past Aintree to the Stanley locks for 1300. Meanwhile the boats that had been in Liverpool were starting to return, including our very own friends from Yelvertoft marina, Colin & Jude on Black Bart:

Hello Colin!

Meanwhile, it’s orf to the Bootle Inn, Melling for some beer n nosh!