Well, probably a chapter anyway. As we have grown a tad weary of this on board living lark and yearn for the space and stability of a house. We have also had a few knocks this year – viz. witnessing the lady boater meet her end at lock 8 in Atherstone, the almost breach at Marbury, the almost fisticuffs at dawn when the lock reopened, Viv wrecking both knees at Springwood Haven, the alternator packing up, the loo backing up, Steve smashing his thigh on the boat, bumps to the bald head. . . and just the tiresome thought of another winter on the boat. The boat has performed wonderfully, we can’t really fault it, it has served us well as a liveaboard. It will be a wrench to leave but I think our time has come round. Hopefully, pass it on to some new, younger boaters looking for adventure.
I also think that we are tired of being 3rd class citizens – the look you get when you state your address as …..the marina. So we have started the lengthy process of buying a house – a small 2-bed, bungalow in Trefin – the village we have been visiting over the last two decades for holidays. It’s only yards from the Pembrokeshire Coastal Path and the sea. We may keep the boat but we’ll see. Offers over £70k anyone??

Hopefully, this blog may serve boaters with a rough guide to cruising areas… we’ve done the Leicester ring two and a half times, up to Liverpool, up to Chester and lastly all the way to Llangollen. Lots of notes on mooring places, utilities and places to see, or not ! Enjoy.
And as a final ending here’s a gift for insomniacs – all 788 photos of this years cruise presented in a 45 minute animated slideshow, with background music (Vaughn Williams, Phillip Glass and Novak) – enjoy, possibly?