Yes, moving house or rather, from boat to house, is very stressful. Driving a van with all the boat contents for 6 hours is really fun! Still, we are in. How did we store so much stuff on a boat??

Not having much in the way of furniture, a lot of deliveries were on the way, fridge on Thursday, bed on Friday, washing machine next Tuesday etc…. and if you order from Oak Furniture, you will get 2 garages full of packing!

It hasn’t stopped raining – not really a Wales thing as it’s been floods everywhere. Still on Sunday we did get small window of dryness and so we did a circular walk.

We may carry on doing the blog – what do you think? It’ll help to act as a diary, to remind us when we’re a bit more dotty of what happened and when. Probably start a new site . . .