Well we’d be lying if we told you that everything was always grand, the sun always shone and life was a non-stop jamboree of fun. Boating is not stress free and having your own boat which is now your home piles on the stress – at times. The electrics needed sorting as the Victron was too clever and responded to the solar panels input by shutting down the charging and the loo was filling up, belching evil fumes and gurgling all night long. This coupled with a wedding party (or similar) in a field a mile away, which had a live band, thumping away until 0130, gave us no sleep. Then it rained again. Other boaters zoomed by at 5 knots pulling our pins out … it does get tedious at times. All this and still in the midst of selling a house … yes, one can be a tad down, at times.
Still, musn’t grumble. If you’re chewing on life’s gristle, don’t worry, just whistle … and everything will turn out for the best . .
Met some great people – out walking their dog or tying up their boat or just passing by our boat on the towpath. There was a young couple with a dog called Honey, who stopped and chatted for ages. Very pleasant. If it was you – do get in touch as we know you live near Stretford, where we’ll be next Friday/Saturday and would love to visit your local. Yes, the views are great, the ever-changing vista. The freedom and the fresh air but it really is the people that make it so interesting and worthy of doing (but not those who speed by and rock our world!!).
Tomorrow we move off to Anderton (1 mile away) for boat ablutions and then some shopping in Barnton, before settling down near Dutton and the very last inch of the Trent & Mersey canal for a few days, to time our arrival at Stretford, the Bridgewater Canal and meeting up with our good friend David from Ubley.