To mark the contrast between our glum mood of the last few days and the worry of things electrical and sanitary, I post the last picture first. The sun came out, we were starting to get burnt! And we chugged down to the CRT services for a prolonged and messy pump out (don’t go there!) and then onto the two tunnels before bimbling along the final stretch of the Trent & Mersey and serendipitously stopping at this milepost for our mooring for the next few days. No mention in any guide book of the excellent mooring (rings provided) or the stunning view across the Weaver valley to Dutton locks and the 18th century viaduct. I circle the exact mooring . .

We walked back to bridge 211 and took the footpath down the Weaver and followed a circular route back to the boat – giving Toby his promised swim.
Firstly, leaving Anderton . .

And a canal side view of the entrance to that lift … maybe on the way back

The two tunnels were a bit dodgy – the first (Barnton) you had to glimpse inside to see if anything was coming before entering. The other had a timing system, on the hour for 20 minutes! But the canal became quite serene after this

And our “spot” and chance to do what this all about – relax!

This is the spot where they had a big breach … seems OK now . .

And off for the circular walk:

Just shows how wide the river is – shame it’s not used commercially any more – ships of 1,000 tonnes used to ply up and down here. All that salt journeying across the world.

Here are the paired Dutton locks – the one on the left is for the big ships.
Toby found some excitement – lots of rabbits …

And round to the weir by-wash to give Toby a swim. Note the Joseph Locke, 1837, viaduct.

The circular walk took us, well, in a circle – if you look carefully, the canal is high up in the centre of the photo.

Back on the canal at bridge 213, then 212 then our boat.

You often see strange boat names and some that have quotations, here’s one I like (Spike Milligan)