Sorry, poor signal, no blog! Nice n quiet though!


Well, enough signal for some text. The English Summer now moves into its more usual state, rain and showers!

We moved off from Nantwich after the early rain had stopped. Around 10 ish. Pootled on all of 500 yds to get some water from a very reluctant tap, must have taken 30 minutes but then we was a tad low and 500 litres does take a while. Meanwhile we watched hordes of people heading for the Nantwich show. You somehow felt that if they weren’t wearing green wellies they wouldn’t get in! I wandered off to buy a new mooring chain (cos, ‘er indoors had left the last one at that Bunker site, easily done I said). Water intake done we pootled on rather slowly behind three boats, past moored boats, past the junction to the Golly (Llangollen canal) and the other junction (to the Trent & Mersey), thru the Bunbury staircase locks and various other locks, past gorgeoous countryside and rolling hills until we called it a day at  Bate’s Mill Bridge (109). We make our thrust or rather wander, into Chester tomorrow. I say, this Cotswold gin is rather good.