We could have stayed put but it looked a bit grey and there was rain forecast, so we fired up the Isuzu and cruised the last bit of the Staff & Worcs canal to Autherley junction and into the Shroppie. On the way we went through the Pendeford Rockin – a weird narrow & shallow bit where James Bridley had to get his navvies to cut the canal through rock. As luck would have it the gas ran out just as Steve was making some tea and so we called in at the boat yard (Napton Boats, Autherley jn) and a very nice chap, James wheeled out a new gas cylinder plus Viv bought a duffel coat! She just needs a red hat to complete the Paddington Bear look.
Pendeford Rockin – luckily there are passing places but we didn’t meet anyone Or touch the rocky sides Ah, haven’t seen many of these And up into the Shroppie (looking back towards the junction) Nantwich is just about as far as we go on this canal before taking a left turn into the Llangollen There seems to be a lot of this about . . . Final spot for today – less then 3 hrs chugging Between bridge 7 & 8 – been here before. Nice mooring on rings. PLenty of water. Quiet. It may say 18/4 but we have taken 27 days to get here