Oops. Getting too narrowboaty. Forgetting to do the blog or even recall what day it is. This is one reason for doing all this – so that when we are in our dotage (or more in our dotage . . ), we can use it to recall things. For example we met up with nb Rosie – I didn’t remember the boat or the people until Viv said, you know, they were the boat we teamed up with to enter Liverpool docks – the nice Welsh couple! And yes, I do now. Chris & Lesley, continuous cruisers for some 16 years, there’s lovely! It was great to see them again and have a natter. So, where are we? And where have we been ? Well, down by there and now, down by ‘ere!
Leaving Tixall early Sunday morning Five locks, heading forever upwards Over the river Sow A turnover bridge – horse enters the ramp on the left and spirals up and over the bridge, down to the right and back on the towpath with no need to unhook the tow rope Viv drives the first few locks – Toby supervises Acton Trussel – posh moat house restaurant here – Brindley included the moat in his canal – saved a few pennies What we didn’t know, was that it was a big fishing competition – 100’s of JR Hartleys! Slow progress. A longish day for us – nearly 6 hours but we reach Penkridge and stay put in the sunshine for 2 nights. Off to the Boat Inn for a pint (then another in the Littleton Arms!)
With the thought of not mooring close to the M6, we pressed on through 5 locks to Penkridge. Lots of interesting shops here, including a big Co-op. Big on the outside but oddly small in its offering inside.
Monday afternoon and a pint (3rd pub here!) at the Cross Keys Viv shows off her new earrings
We had planned to stay here but fancied moving on – an afternoon cruise. So we chugged on the next five locks (still going uphill) for a few hours, again, avoiding mooring too near the M6 or any form of habitation – we like it quiet.
Viv drives all the locks today & Steve does the winding Very pleasant locks and the occasional dog walker It looks charming but the M6 is nor far away Looks like we’re heading in the right direction – Wales! Viv does a great job These locks are quite deep and only an inch either side to spare View from . . . above Boggs lock with . . . Our Boggle Viv steams effortlessly in Last lock for today at Gailey Famous for a hire base and its roundhouse BIG chemical works next and ominous signs saying – do not stop, do not moor, even if you hear an alarm! We didn’t. Is it a real one or plastic? Well, it did move, a bit!
Enough for one day – moored up after bridge 74. Nice quiet spot.