This is Steve & Viv Carter's log of the trips and travails on the narrowboat Adagio – liveaboards from October 2015. Then back to the shore, in Trefin, Wales from November 2019. "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." (Mark Twain)”
Day 6 – Sutton Stop
Bit of a longish day for us – nearly 5 hours of chugging and most of it, a tad cold. Through Newbold Tunnel, past Armada boats and All Oaks Wood. Quite a scenic bit with Butterburs, golf courses, trains, motorways and Ansty plus Carter’s Bridge and then Hawkesbury Junction (or Sutton Stop).
Newbold Tunnel
Here’s one for Stephen & Lucia – obsessed with Life, the Universe and Everything
Past a small mooring with interesting “stuff”
And interesting boat names . . .
Here’s a Kinky one . . .
All the flora is burgeoning . . . pussy willows?
Ahead is the M6 – traffic hurtling by . . . we’ll stick to our 3 mph
Lots of these fellas – we call them Butterburs but they could Winter heliotropes?
Ah, once you see these, the end is nigh
I always find these sites fascinating – in a kind of Sci-Fi way . .
Viv tries an arty pic . . .
Through the wee stop lock and then a smart 180 degree turn and under a bridge without hitting anything! Moor up just past the old pumping station and the sun comes out. Enough for one day.
The final resting spot photo, with sparkles. We’re now on the Coventry canal. At the turn is the famous Greyhound pub – which at 1730 was heaving. Really odd as it’s not on any main road and tricky to get to, by car. Good food (homemade pies) and usually a good variety of beer – today they had Hare & Hound (3.8%) and a Salopian beer Cico Buff (named after a Cocteau Twin song from the 80’s), a bit chewy at 6.9%
Happy Viv . . . with beer! Too full to sit inside.