This is Steve & Viv Carter's log of the trips and travails on the narrowboat Adagio – liveaboards from October 2015. Then back to the shore, in Trefin, Wales from November 2019. "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." (Mark Twain)”
We Made It
Yes, up and off by 0800 – slight drizzle – no one about – through the mass of hire boats and a right turn towards Llangollen. Only 4.5 miles but it should take us 3 hours – mas or menos!
Pretty deserted, for the moment and despite the chilly and damp start, it did brighten up and the views were stunningSome bits of the canal were fairly wide and we may have reached 3 mph!This odd bit is a winding hole (pron. as in the wind blows – as they used the wind to turn the boats) where you can turn, swing or wind the boat.Putting on my Iolo voice – this canal has been both dramatic & traumatic in equal measure!Ah, the tricky bit. The canal has always had problems – well it does basically cling to the hill with a drop the other side. In 1945 it was washed away, taking the railway with it plus an unfortunate train driver who saw it all too late. So it’s very narrow and shallow – only room for ONE boat. Viv goes on ahead with the 2-way radios.A couple of boats do come through but after No 4, it was clear for us to move.Poor Toby – waiting for master . . .And here he comes – more “driving through treacle again” – must explain why – there’s millions of gallons flowing down the canal plus our wee ship is displacing 20+ tonnes of water – with only inches each side and underneath, all that water is being squeezed past – hence the slow progress but we’re in no hurry.Down to 1 mph
If you’ve ever watched paint dry – here’s a new hobby . . .BeautifulGetting busy – another Adagio goes byDramatic rock face – still single file here
At Last! We’re now officially “Over by ere!”
This is Llangollen wharf – boat trips and where you pay your £6/night to moor. Wow! Space at last. All this open water!!This wasn’t here 30 yrs ago, when we were last here! Llangollen basin – take your pick for a mooring. Electricity and water and rubbish disposal – there’s lovely!I think it’s smiles all roundWe get a nice end mooring – time for a rest. Yes, please says Toby.Meanwhile, it’s still madness on the canal.We are a stone’s throw from the Eisteddfod – nice.
A quick visit to the town – full of grockles and grockle shops – can’t complain, one shop had lots of pasties (oggies), beer and Tiny Rebel gin, neat. Got some cider for Colin too!Well, that’s it. For now. We’re looking forward to meeting up with Max & Colin on the weekend – pub crawl planned already!