Hats, gloves and waterproofs for a drizzly Good Friday trip to Welford

Nice to get away

Busy time as a lot of folk also out for their first trip – lots of hire boats too

Moored at Welford – 50 yds from the Wharf Inn! And also next to another Adagio!!

Nice cosy spot – fire’s on. Good beer in the pub (Oakham Inferno)

Morning visitor – looking for food

Will he eat from my hand?

Of course!

That’s all folks!

We had planned to stay there but with itchy feet we decided to move on to Foxton – a new pub!

The drizzle had cleared up and the canal looked more serene.

At the junction it was a right turn to Foxton

We saw plenty of wildlife – many heron and the odd kingfisher too.

Husbands Bosworth tunnel to contend with first

Finally got the dog to be still and lie down on his mat

Arrival at Foxton – very busy with half a dozen “craft” boats selling all things from sweets, cheese and general boat stuff. Tricky to swing the boat with all this parked flotilla. Don’t think we’ll be staying long …long enough for . .

Ah, the very small pub with a very small counter but good beer:

Back on the boat to find somewhere a bit quieter and scenic

This will do – between bridges 59 & 58 and by Lubenham Lodge, posh house to our right and nice scenic views to our left:

Used the spring mooring lines . .

as there was plenty of traffic … all heading down to Foxton but it soon went very quiet …

time to relax – this is what boating is all about … and then open the Ribera del Duero and prepare the Spag Bog – thanks shipmate!

Next day … Sunday … slow start then a gentle chug back to base . .

I was concerned about the batteries but they haven’t had much use and the Smartgauge device blew a fuse last year and so lost its calibrations which takes many cycles … still everything still works …

Back past North Kilworth and the planned mega marina

Toby seems happier when he can see where we’re going …

nearly home – time to hang the flags out

Adagio reversed in to her berth, funny how people are keen to watch this manoeuvre but never that ready to help! This way round means we can sit in the cratch and watch the world go by . .

a glass of Brewdog Punk IPA and some sunshine!

All set for a glorious Summer now