One area we haven’t frequented at all was the Cavern quarter; home of the famous Cavern Club and lots of other pubs. It was full of grockles taking pictures of anything Beatle related … so we joined in! Mon – Weds it’s free to wander into the Club – they have musicians doing the odd set and the bar’s open too.
Well, the cavern is a cellar, several flights of stairs down and it’s well, cavernous:
Lots of Beatle stuff plus memorabilia from other bands too
Just down the road was another pub – the White Star. It’s been around since the 1880′s and is more famous now for the place were the bands got paid – in the back room, including the Beatles.
Good beer too – 2 pints of Norada (APA) for £2.50 each
Today (and every Weds, 12 til 4) a band play – the Button Street Badger Band! Just lucky we were there today! Behind them on the right wall are the brass plaques for where each of the Beatles sat … this is before they moved on to the Grapes pub.
A bimble round to the nearest ‘Spoons (for yes we have no dog in tow today) for more beer and some food. An interesting area and quite different from a lot of the more developed sectors. Home to walk Toby, shower off in the very good CRT facilities in Albert Dock and then Cocktail Hour commences. Meanwhile we have just 3 new arrivals today, apart from the cruise ship, Azamara Quest.
New arrivals Silk Purse & Sweet William . .
One very dry martini for the lady and a double standard sour for the gentleman
Only one more day here!