This is Steve & Viv Carter's log of the trips and travails on the narrowboat Adagio – liveaboards from October 2015. Then back to the shore, in Trefin, Wales from November 2019. "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." (Mark Twain)”
Day 38 – things on sticks
It actually looks a bit like Summer. We thought we’d move off before Monday as the floating market traders should be packing and going then. Meanwhile, we had some morning visitors…
Viv now has new solar powered LED lightsThose hungry little cygnetsA brief pause to take on water – it was very slow – took over 20 mins!And then the 5 locks at Adderley – Viv drives & Steve windsBlues skies! It’s warming up . . . just after this lock, the bowthruster broke – too big a log going thru! Oh, well, Steve knows what to do . . .Very tranquilThis lot seemed happy – they were running around and having a good frolic.We moor up, 2 locks down the 15 lock Audlem flight – a nice quiet spot and time to fix that bowthruster. Luckily, it is designed to break a small sheer pin, rather than the expensive (and boat-out-of-water job) propeller. Just a pain to get at. The horizontal tube is open at each end on the boat. Luckily, the motor can be unscrewed and lifted off without the need to take the boat out of the water.I’ve done this before!Meanwhile, another pain was the weather station – it just packed up – didn’t want to receive outdoor data, but I dried it all out and lo, it’s alive again and showing 22 inside and 18 outside.It really is a nice spot. Steve walked down the locks with the dog – hmm, it does seem lock after lock after lock! Another day.Time for the steward to bring us “things on sticks” – our thanks and a Hello to Steve & Lucia for teaching us this tapas style canapé – here we have a slice of chilli, followed by silverskin onion, gherkin, preserved lemon and cheese or chorizo plus the gin on the rocks of course! Happy Days.