The forecast was fair and the dog was keen for a walk/swim, so off we went, on the train (under the Mersey) to t’other side and New Brighton.

Jame’s Street station – the oldest deep level station! I just hope there’s no leak.

It was only 30 minutes to the end of the line, New Brighton, invented as a resort which really took off with 10,000′s of visitors per day in its heyday. Which is no more but it does have marvelous sands and lots of water

Liverpool skyline from the other side.

Viv took this zoom picture of the beach at Crisby and the Gormley sculptures

Back on the train after buying some rock, some fudge, eating sarnies and playing penny falls in the arcade! The Vintage Weekend was still going strong, so Steve got in the spirit . .

There were prizes for the best dressed 1920 – 50′s guys & dolls – the top rpize went to a young couple dressed as mods!

Hopefully, Albert dock will quieten down now.