A shorter day – 6.5 miles and the three Hilmorton locks to do, just three and a bit hours. The weather was the key factor today … sunshine initially but then a hailstorm at the end with freezing temperatures! First the three locks and surprisingly, all very quiet . .

Toby is much happier off the boat but this piccie looks like he’s conversing with the paddle gear:

And a happy Viv

Lots of weird and wonderful names of boats (remember the Klingon ship?) some are just plain daft but some make you chuckle

Just past the locks you are reminded of one of Rugby’s famous roles, the country’s biggest radio station. Unfortunately, most the aerials are all gone, here’s a BT mast … the quick eyed will spot some engineers halfway up

And finally along to Braunston and into the hailstorm

We had to moor down the Oxford arm (which means travelling until a turning point is reached and then coming back!) because it was all very busy – Bank Holiday weekend! We decided to stay all day Saturday too as the weather was meant to improve.
Welcome to Braunston! Over-flowing dog-poo bins and the muddiest of towpaths anywhere … can do better!?
Busy, busy!