This is Steve & Viv Carter's log of the trips and travails on the narrowboat Adagio – liveaboards from October 2015. Then back to the shore, in Trefin, Wales from November 2019. "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." (Mark Twain)”
“Stuck here in the middle with you”
Yep. Canal is definitely closed. This is the lift bridge 21 just out of Wrenbury.
Bit of a busy day – having organised post to be sent to Wrenbury P.O. – poste restante – we were now stuck in Grindley Brook. So Steve cycled the 2 miles to Whitchurch station, narrowly missing the train, caught one that didn’t stop at Wrenbury, so had to go on to Nantwich and double back. Such Fun! Cycle the mile or so to Wrenbury and pick up the vital post (2 birthday cards!). He then cycled on to view the damage to the canal.
I met up with two guys from CRT – one must be an area manager, for he said he had to go back to Northwich to do lots of paperwork! They allowed me to view the damage. It was a two pronged attack – the brook on the left, washing away at its embankment plus the canal “overtopping” and eroding its embankment.This is the canal side – any passing boats would only cause more damagethe tarpaulin and sandbags helpbut only a yard’s width is the brook, lower now but look at the mud! Hmm, this will take weeks. They plan to get a barge in to fill the bank with rocks and then put pilings in.Remember this from 18th May? The River Weaver, running thru a guys garden – below is the one taken today:Meanwhile on the way back to Wrenbury station, you pass over a bridge over the river Weaver – before it was just a small stream through this chap’s garden – he now has an ornamental lake.Back at Whitchurch – which is a very smart town with lots of shops and a Joules pub! Dog friendly and great beer too!I mean what has the EU ever done for us, eh?And here is the Whitchurch Arm – not very long but there’s a plan to make a proper basin . . . one day. The house up on the left in the village of Chemistry, was for sale and Viv had looked at the advert . . . could be with a mooring?And here’s the official update.Meanwhile, here’s some pix from the night before . . . time for a pub mealQuite an unassuming pub, from the outside but a very friendly welcome inside – good range of beer and a quirky menu but very tasty indeed – recommend it!, these two seem to be enjoying it. They even had churros & chocolate for dessert.Toby gives his best Gromit stare – he really is a good dog.Many thanks to family & friends for sending the cards – Steve made Viv carry the balloon all the way through Whitchurch and back! Probably stay here for a few days. And then think what we can do for two weeks! Back down the Monty?