This is Steve & Viv Carter's log of the trips and travails on the narrowboat Adagio – liveaboards from October 2015. Then back to the shore, in Trefin, Wales from November 2019. "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." (Mark Twain)”
Christmas and New Year
I think it’s time to start a new blog and archive the narrowboat one as we are definitely planning to sell the old girl this month – so a trip to Yelvertoft is due in a week or so . . . unless a friend says he wants to buy the boat . . . did I mention, offers over £70k??
Even though we have only been in residence for less than a month, we were off again, to visit Mother in Whitstable – a week there to help Mum with various events (gas man, GP appointment etc) and then bring her back – if she was amenable, and lo, she was. So Christmas in Trefin it is.
A local department store (Vincent Davies) had these “delightful” penguins! Meanwhile, more things to build, flat-packed bathroom cabinet . . . take flange bracket A . . .Our Special guest this Christmas – giving her Christmas Message!Our other special guest – turkey No 2! Our Tesco one, pre-ordered and collected on 20th and kept in the fridge, smelt a tad “funny”, and when cooked, luckily on Christmas Eve, the bad smell persisted throughout the cooking – so Viv was dispatched to the butchers in Letterston to buy another – and this is it (above) – far away the best turkey I’ve ever had!
And on to January ….
The local beach/harbour at Abercastle
A short walk for us and Toby
He always finds the water down at the small shore – totally oblivious to the grey seal that popped up to say Hello
We have seen grey seals before but we got the impression that they come up to see us!The “View From” our side window – looking out to sea and the Pwllderi Ridge – time to have a walk up that . . . note also the wee weather station, up & sort of running, still at hopefully continuously onlinelooking along the ridgeThe view from the ridge looking back to Strumble Head – lighthouse just peeping out. Glorious day – first one for agesThe house is starting to look like home – the ship’s clock in on its wooden base, pictures hung . . . we’re getting there
Better than that . . . Steve’s got his beer going again!
Fingers crossed it all works out . . . we should have some beer in about 3 or 4 weeksWe’ve both been amazed at the wildlife here. We have seen choughs, red kites, all manner of gulls, finches, blue tits, woodpeckers, lapwings . . . the bird feeders get devoured in a day . .I’ll try and set up a webcam to see some of them . .
Toby is getting on a bit but loves his garden and all the walks – and he still loves his yoghourt!