Well, the fete went well and the weather held off. Monday came and went – so did Mark on Tamsin. We walked the hour to Sutton Cheney Wharf and had lunch, then the hour back! Tuesday – Viv had some eye trouble so took the bus to Nuneaton to get it looked at – all seems OK. And tonight is Steak Night at the George (they do this just once a month, so serendipitous that we are here then!).
Our mooring for a few days – the new cratch looks good.
Mark’s boat behind us.
The fete behind the George & Dragon . . . tombola, alpacas, hotdogs, cake stand, bric-a-brac, live music and a wandering magician, John!
He spent some time with us doing the magic 5 rings joined or not joined together!
Here’s our mate, Mark – with his winnings. I got lots of jewelry and soaps, why did he get all the booze?! And of course the pub bar was in full swing with lots of staff on. Still got the eight beers . . . wonderful.
The Monday walk – it was supposed to be cooler but the sun came out again and we got a bit singed again! Still, it was a lovely walk, with stunning scenes, like this one – should have the The Big Country theme music to go with it.
Today, I be mostly . . . taking photos of plants . . . here be sloes
Here be “arty sloes”
Viv was getting, by this stage, “are we there yet?”, to which I kept replying, “it’s just round that next bend”. It wasn’t.
But we did get to see Viv’s boat!
The objective reached. Sutton Cheney wharf and tearooms. Very nice end to the walk but a bit pricey (£17.60 for two jacket spuds with cheese & beans plus a pot of Earl Grey tea).
Continuing the plant-by-the-canalside theme – I think this is a Rosebay WillowHerb
And this is vetch (above)
And this is meadow sweet – used in olden times for scenting floors etc
Probably used when your wet dog came inside! Well, we did promise Toby a swim and he was well tired and hot n bothered.
Struggling here but I think this is Great Willowherb.
And this pretty one is mimulus or monkey flower (thanks to Viv and her collection of books!).