Having reaching Stoke Golding, we decided to spend a whole day here, Saturday being St George’s Day. And another visit to the George & Dragon.

On the short walk up to the town … John & Tilly pose outside the pub

One reason we chose this pub is because it is owned by the Church End brewery and they usually have a whole spread of their wonderful beers on tap and all at reasonable prices too! (But Tumblr being Tumblr just will not rotate photos!!!)

The next morning we set off towards Market Bosworth, Viv took Toby for a stroll, enabling her to take some action (?) photos

We have seen an awful lot of wildlife and here is the very timid water vole

They run the “Battlefield Line” steam railway here and we kept on trying to snap it as it bustled its way from Shenton to Shackelton . . elusive

We spent lunch at Market Bosworth and then went on to Shackerstone, where we were just in time to walk around the charming, Victorian station, waiting for the last train to come home.

An amazing tea rooms with a real fire and old fashioned service

And then the train came in
They used to run two trains daily to Euston but it’s all gone now – just 5 miles remain.

Back to our mooring for the night