This is Steve & Viv Carter's log of the trips and travails on the narrowboat Adagio – liveaboards from October 2015. Then back to the shore, in Trefin, Wales from November 2019. "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." (Mark Twain)”
Summer Cruise#1 Day 10
A murky start. No bow thruster and no replacement radiator cap but we bimble on. Water point Bradley Green. Then fuel at Alvecote but no cap, alas. Lunch at Tamworth then on to the aqueduct – closest point to the exciting Ventura shopping park/mall/hell-on-earth. Lots of pix, including the Muppets on Jacob’s Creek II, a wee yoghourt pot,, breaking two rules – don’t moor in the short lock pounds and don’t moor on the lock bollards!
We set off from Lock 10 but there was a wee boat in the way – boat AI says “viable target”Yep, Jacobs Creek II, illegally and dangerously moored.We cope by being considerate. Smoke gets in yer eyes.Even CRT say don’t do this!Pooley?And under the M42 – best way, I think. Nice murals on the walls
Stopped at Alvecote – I did phone em just in case they had a rad cap but no. They had fuel and we topped up 66 litres (75p basic). Checking our logs and yes, we consume 1.5 litres per hour. Not bad.On the outskirts of Tamworth, we pass Adagio (again)Glascote locks – in the rain! And no, they didn’t have a rad cap either!On and on to the Tame aqueduct. Moored just beyond and off to the shopping place for Halfords.Hmm, a WWII pill box, guarding what?The aqueduct over the river Tame. A very scenic spot.The river TameOn the walk in . . . Tokyo or Tamworth? Some glorious cherry blossoms.Yes, it’s Tamworth alrightYou often go past boats which one could describe as skanky or worse and how that would never apply to us but with a lot of kit now inside the boat . . . it’s beginning to look a bit, well, skanky! With the bow thruster kaput, we may spend Easter taking it apart. Such fun!