Open Day at a lock

What to do on a dull Sunday? The Canal & Rivers Trust have set up these open days where members of the public can wander along to a lock that has been drained and is undergoing some restoration. Having spent weeks negotiating these beasts, I thought it might be “nice” to go and see the bottom of one, as you do. Freeman’s Meadow Lock is a huge animal. It’s adjacent to a massive weir and Leicester Football stadium. We passed thru it, twice on our Summer trip, see blog passim and (

Anyway, CRT had advertised this open day ( and so we went – only 30 mins away . . 

What are they all looking at?

Note the wooden beams holding back the water …

and the rare sight of the absolute bottom of the lock!

Quite an engineering feat with a floating crane … they replaced the top gates.

shiny new oak gates

another rare sight – the culvert (what lets in the water when you open the paddles)

The wooden beams at the top of the picture are also holding back tons of fresh river water … the guy in the fluorescent suit was the engineer in charge and assured us that the new beams would be a dream to handle!

What else do you meet at the bottom of a lock??

Lots of helpful chat . .  esp from Darren Green . .

It was all very interesting but hopefully the last time I find myself at the bottom of a lock!  We walked on to the next lock at St Mary’s Mill