Ah, the morning mist across the marina as I take the Boggle on his first walk. Off to Nottingham today (less than an hour away) to visit my tobacconist & the Grantham Canal. We lived up here some 20 years ago and it will be so good to see it again and take Toby for a walk – where Buster walked was all those years ago …
Hmm a lot has changed – city centre full of trams and a huge Christmas fayre.
Gauntley’s – my pipe tobacco shop. I usually buy online but it’s good to visit in person – I even managed to get some of their special Christmas mixture – not on sale until tomorrow – sshh!
Off to Hickling and a stroll on the Grantham Canal.
I doubt we’ll ever see boats back on here but it’s a great little waterway.
Iris & Cliff liked it . . “Do you like Hickling? I don’t know I’ve never Hickled!”, said Mum after a few beers!
A much better path nowadays – the dog loved it! We would come to various sections of this canal with Buster …
Very odd sign – “you don’t get many of those about”
Up to Clarke’s Bridge. Chris phoned me , Viv phoned me . . must have known where I was! Dog was very happy. A great trip.
Now back to me boat and the log fire!
Thanks Chris & Amy for the texts/calls letting me know you’ve remembered the ol’ codger’s birthday! Cheers