Yesterday was spent retracing our steps back through the Nottingham canal (pitstop at Sainsbury’s – again!) and then back up the Trent to Trent Lock. So confident was I that Viv was in control of the boat, that I took a shower and left Viv on the helm for this river trip. Magnificent. More rain overnight but beer back at the Steam Boat Inn, nice.
Today we started off in the drizzle but it soon cleared as we actually passed thru Trent Lock and into the Erewash Canal.

Not a great deal of boats come this way as it is a dead end; about 12 miles and 15 locks to a basin … and then back again! It’s all D.H. Lawrence country . .

lots of houseboats

and mills . .

Sandiacre lock cottages

Steve operates the lock & Viv drives …

Quite an ordeal, to be honest, with shallow canals full of weed … but we made it to Potter’s Lock – just before Ilkeston (or Ilson as they say). two-thirds the way with just 5 locks and 4 miles to go. We met a lovely couple on Pinxton Roses – both pensioners and a treat to share locks with. They made the journey all the more easy.

This is a piccie for Jenny – a baby Coot eating blackberries! I do hope you get some roofing felt. Cheers!