We moved on to Wheelock – taking on water but the main reason was to visit the big pet shop across the road because our Boggle was out of Kibble! So chance to restock with Gelert Country Choice and some of those dehydrated sausages he loves, yes, it all revolves around the dog!!
Beyond Wheelock starts what they call “Heartbreak Hill” – the long flight of 26 locks all the way to Harecastle tunnel. We did 14 today and only moved, horizontally, by 4.5 miles in 5.5 hours! But we did lift the boat up around 140 feet! A feat indeed. And we felt every inch – they may be narrow locks and in most cases duplicate but they were all against us and they were heavy & stiff:
Lock 58 – showing the duplicate system – aiming to move the coal barges quicker I guess. Notice the very busy M6 – one lane was at a standstill. Haven’t driven a car for, let me see, oh yes 56 days! Here’s our final mooring – deja vu – we were here on day 15, in the rain.
Discovered the marvellous Broughton Arms . . Here’s the pub, oh, just let me see, 100 yds away. Think we can manage that.
And for the more cartographically minded, here’s the guide book with all those locks on . . . and the ones to come.