With a very heavy downpour last night and the forecast for sun & part cloud we set off lazily at 0930. Chugging slowly through the scenic countryside.

Past some lovely boats – I gave this one a Silver-Gilt.

We still have the scaredy dog with us but he is becoming more brave and even sits on the stern now – comfort toy in his mouth, of course.

A nice view of how lovely this stretch is – there’s the boat Victor behind us which we kept on passing.

Under the M42 and more graffiti

Lots of daisies and other flowers …

And another Adagio, the owner said there are 33 out on the cut!
And on into Tamworth, mooring up at bridge 73. Co-op nearby plus the best access to the town. A short road walk and then into parkland and at last, the river for a cooling off – spot the happy dog!

The town looked great and the park was wonderful – well done council gardeners for a great display.

This is Tamworth castle. Formerly the capital of Mercia. We were in search of liquid refreshment … a no, no at Whetherspoons, owing to their strict no dogs policy (must write to them and complain!!), so back to the market centre and the wonderfully, old-fashioned Market Vaults … a traditional boozer with rooms that go back and back and then a garden . .

The superb landlord, John was very ready to let us have a taster of everything (doesn’t he know that’s not wise??). They had about 8 beers on and a whole cooler of ciders. Viv had Hafod Sunrise and a Dukeries IPA. I had Oakham Akhenaten and then Jaipur. We also had lunch there – brilliant.

They had a barrel of cider into which they poured all the ends of the plastic polypins – at £2.90 a pint I had to try some – not bad! With the temp rising, we headed back to the boat – giving Toby another swim or two. Inside the boat it reached 28 degrees. I hope it just cools down …