There’s a session of Sea Shanties at the Baltic Fleet pub tonight . . here’s a more professional video with Michael Portillo.
Chance to saunter around the city – shopping (Viv) and then Museum’ing (Steve). This weekend sees an event – the Vintage on the Dock. Lots of eateries, 50′s music with dancers jitterbugging and a collection of motors

The fairly new, Museum of Liverpool was quite superb; lively, informative and exciting to walk around. Full of history, music, old tram cars . . something for everyone! You could easily spend a whole day in here. It also gave a good vantage point to take more aerial photos …

This should be a shot of the Liver building, Cunard building etc but I only see the Cunard channel we chugged thru . . it felt a bit other-worldly.

I enjoyed all the models – this one spoke to you if you touched different bits! I just happened to be walking out of the building when the latest batch of narrowboaters were making their passage through the Link.

Here’s another aerial view – looking back over towards Albert dock

These chaps seem to have a lot of history here

This is the Mann Island lock – operated by the CRT staff – I noted that it had double exit gates to cope with higher levels of tide from either side.

Here comes Hazelberry Gem. The gates on the left are the entry/exit gates onto the Mersey.

A Peter Blake inspired paint job for one of the Mersey ferries, nice! Could do this to Adagio?

Yes, Liverpool has one of these (£9 each for 10 mins)

An on/off damp day but lots of people about, some even getting into costume for the vintage weekend. Time for afternoon tea – here’s Salthouse dock, with our wee ship in the middle distance. I think the yellow pennant is pointing to it.

We were looking at ship movements online and noticed that the Balmoral was due in at 2030, so we popped over to see the old girl come in. She was doing a run out to Anglesey.