Shortish day today as rain promised in the afternoon. We’ve had very Camelot weather on this trip, i.e. sun during the day and rain at night or after we’ve stopped chugging along. So 3 to 4 hours today – lovely bimble along the river Soar. The boat really does pick up her skirts and zoom along. It’s actually nice to retrace our steps … we went too fast & too rushed coming down, so chance to have another look. Some very twisty bits, then Barrow-upon-Soar, Mountsorrel … then back to Wanlip and Watermead Country Park – full of lakes for the Boggle to go for a swim or six. We decided to moor at the Hope & Anchor (is there a theme to this trip??), as there’s free mooring, a water point and open views to assist the solar panels … although in the rain – they don’t do much. Still, an amp is an amp. We’ve collected nearly 300 ampere-hours so far … only 36,000 to go to recoup the outlay! The main point of having them is to lay off using the engine to charge batteries in a nice secluded & quiet spot.

Talking of that black Boggle, here he is. Still a bit skittish over boat life and every bump makes him cry “Let me off!”. Still, I’d like to think he is getting better.

Saw this fellah, opposite our mooring today. We also spotted an otter swimming across the river.

The 1860 conveyor or Echo bridge, No 25 near Mountsorrel.

A bit damp but our mooring for a night or maybe two

With heavy rain forecast overnight – bit concerned to see their flood defences in the car park. Time to ease springs …