Well it was a nice day, we had some woodwork that needed sanding down and treating, so we cast off and bimbled out. First time – shockingly – since last August! So, a good time to test the engine, batteries etc Picked a nice spot by bridge 27 and the lovely wood (Fieldside Covert).

Yep, the front of the cratch needed doing

Beautiful spot – Steve fixed up his ensign & flagstaff . .

Whilst Viv got on with the sandpaper … dog was happy:

Over the bridge and into the wood – not a soul to be seen

A lot of buds and some flowers – is Spring really just around the corner?

Yes, Viv’s still sanding away – let’s zoom in …

And here’s some organic artwork:

And here’s the “after” photo of Viv’s handiwork and my coat of Osmo oil