We may be sliding towards the end of October and the “fun” of living on a boat in winter but the sun is still out and even though our friend couldn’t make this weekend, we planned to go out & lo, it came to pass.
The Open Road ! Very quiet this time of the year.
Steve’s lacquered bear is keen to be out!
Ah, these guys are back. Doing their bit for mooring nicely – not doubled up or moored near a bridge, oh, they are doing both! As usual.
Viv drives – wearing her new knitted poppy – thanks to Jude Calver on nb Black Bart, see RoxyChicKnits to get yours!
I call this the lightning tree – as it dregs up that awful song!! Architectural though, isn’t it?
These guys are cute and were hiding at the bottom of the field. Might be me but I couldn’t help but think of what food to get for Christmas . . . .
It is almost Hallowe’en – Or is that a spooky reflection causing Steve to look ghostly?
Another Victor Meldrew moment for Steve (and others it seems) as they do insist on mooring tooooo close to the winding hole (over on the right). Long boats have to turn early but that would mean smashing your stern into this ickle boat . . . steel v. fibre glass?
Meanwhile, whilst the temperatures head south (1 degree tomorrow), we have the stove glowing nicely . . .
And Viv makes her sherry trifle – using two jellies (strawberry & then lime) to create a kind of Tequila Sunrise effect! All part of our calorie controlled diet, honest. We can share . . . if you come out this way? But be quick . . .
Our favourite spot! Betwixt bridges 27 & 28.