Yes another 2 weeks go by as we head into what should be Spring and lo, it came to pass, another artic blast – blizzards, gales and sub-zero temperatures! The Friday before all this it was extremely mild and time to fit a new boat horn and give it a coat or 6 or lacquer. I also lacquered me bear – not a phrase one hears too often:

Steve’s new boat horn (driven by an air compressor – supposedly 150dB) bit of a cheap chrome finish, so it gets totally lacquered
As does the bear!
Meanwhile, the view at 0800 today – more snow, more drifts . . .
Even a snow drift inside the boat, in the cratch
Toby’s not bothered – he goes kind of mental in the snow, rolling & squirming
Makes you shiver just looking at it!
Couldn’t see out of the windows
Went for a walk along the canal beyond bridge 23 – to find Hodmad’od!
Lots of big drifts on the towpath – there’s a Toby in there somewhere.
Hopefully this will all disappear this week & we can all get out!