Yes. And about time too. The weather’s set to change and the fire’s going out. Viv’s back from Wales today, which is “May the Fourth be with you” day and I’ve surprised her by getting the boat ready (pumped out & refuelled), so we can leave within the hour and at 1450, we did.
Where to? Well, it is the Bank Holiday weekend, so we’ll head out to our favourite spot – just after Bridge 27 at Elkington and stay put – and watch the Bank Holiday traffic go by. Friday was OK but Saturday – what a stream of boats: Huncamunca, Artful Dodger, Northern Soul, Good Company, Ophelia, English Rose, Northern Promise, Prudence, Nightjar, Amelia Rose, Oxford Landing, Atlas, Emily Rose, Blue Roan, Bueno Vito, Sylvia, Mr Toad, Ubique, ?, Summertime, Imladris, Mistral, Manatee, Witch & Anchor, Good Company, Iris, Granthams, ?, Pennine, Wandering Willy, Chiltern, Killowen, Wandering Willy, Mirror Blue, Enigmatic, Wrekin, Spurwing, Tess, Holopip, Mr Crabtree (twice). Make that 42. In about 8 hours!!
A very tranquil spot – weather station up. Thermal kettle on & boiling too.
Time to pot up the tomato plants and re-do the peppers which have faltered in the so-so Summer but today and then next few days will see temperatures soar into the 20’s.
Steve in shorts – fields of rape and a very happy Toby, about to walk around his favourite woods.